Some people may tell you that their websites are a labor of love ... Mine is NOT !  .. 

It is a painful, time consuming, and frankly depressing (some times) project but ...

I will NOT go to my grave without sharing the Truth in the face of an overwhelming Tsunami

of BS, Lies, Spin, Propaganda and Manipulation by the Main Stream Media !!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Outstanding Video on History and Gun Control !

Obama's Coming for your guns !
You can bet the farm on that !
This Film tells you why ..

Did Obama sign a martial law executive order?

As folks headed out to happy hour last Friday evening, President Obama signed an executive order that could potentially give him the power to institute martial law in the United States in times of peace or during a national threat.

The National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order will give Obama power over “resources and services needed to support such plans and programs.

Many Americans were shocked to find out that this order gives the president practically unlimited power over US citizens and their property. All in the name of national security of course.

Full Story Here

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sheriff Joe blows the lid off the Manchurian candidate Obama about birther issue .. Says he has tons of evidence !!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Larkin Rose & Bob Tuskin

Ken O'Keefe telling the truth !!

I depart by saying that any group of people, whether it is the disciples of Hitler, the Christian Zionists of America or the Jewish supporters of Israel, or the brainwashed false Muslims, I say loud and clear, any group that believes they are “chosen” by God and thus superior to anyone else, is an enemy of all humanity. Combine this sort of supremacist ideology with the power of America and Israel and we have a recipe for the end of the world. The stakes could not be any higher, and you, my poor, poor minions, are on the wrong side of history. You are not the friends of Palestine or justice, you are the guardians of tyranny whether you know it or not.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

"The worst case scenerio is happening !"

CBS: “The worst case scenario was happening” at Fukushima — Cores may have burned into earth, releasing untold amounts of radiation if not for sea water injection — You really won’t know what happened until you see inside, says NRC (VIDEO)

Friday, March 16, 2012

Once Upon a Time ...
Back on August 1-2 of 1946
When I was just 5 months old ..
While my Mom was cleaning up my soiled diapers ..

The Men in a little town called Athens Tennessee
were doing some cleaning up of their own !

The following is a True Story !!
(God Please send us more men like these !)